Requirements for publications in the journal

The author(s) independently sending the scientific article, undertake the following obligations: they transfer the journal’s editions non-exclusive rights to use the scientific article by reproducing it, using the scientific article as whole or fragmentarily in combination with any text, photographs or drawings, full-text network versions of the numbers on the website of the journal.

The author(s) is (are) responsible for the misuse in the scientific article of intellectual property objects, copyright objects or «know-how» in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author(s) confirm that the  article being sent is published first time and was not sent in another journals.

The author(s) agrees to process their personal data in accordance with Art. 6 of the Federal Law «On Personal Data» of July 27, 2006, № 152-FZ, namely: surname, name, second name, scientific degree, academic title, position, place(s) of work and/or training, contact information at the place of work and/or training, with a goal to publishing the article in the journal. The author (s) confirm that the scientific article being sent does not contain data or information with limited access and that it does not require the permission of the Ministry of Education or other ministries and departments for its publication.

The author(s) of the article is (are) familiar with and agree with the following conditions:

— the author’s rights for a scientific article belong to the author (s) of this article;

— copyrights to the journal number (in whole) belong to the founder of the journal;

— the editorial board of the journal has the right to provide the scientific articles to Russian and foreign organizations that provide indexes of scientific citation;

— the editorial board of the journal has the right to make the necessary clarifications and abbreviations;

— remuneration (fee) for published articles is not paid, materials of scientific articles sent to the editorial office are not returned to , author (s).

However, the authors have the right to use all materials in their subsequent publications, if it provided that a reference is made to publications in our journal.

Brief requirements for scientific materials (samples of materials and full requirements are presented in more detail in the «Regulations on the journal» and the archive «Requirements for publications in the journal«

Structural parameters:

The article must have elements that meet the following parameters:

1. Metadata of the article in Russian and English (Scientific specialty, UDC, DOI, title of the article, copyright sign, scientific identifiers of the author, full name of the author, position, organization, address of the organization, personal e-mail, abstract and keywords )

2. Article body:


Statement of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific and practical problems

Analysis of recent studies and publications that dealt with aspects of this problem and on which the author substantiates; highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem.

The relevance of the study is substantiated.


— Formation of the goals of the article.

Used methods, techniques and technologies.


Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results.


Comparison of the obtained results with the results in other studies.


Conclusions of the study.

Prospects for further research in this direction.


(in the list of references 10 sources for the last 5 years (in 2022 — these are articles of 2017-2021), in the list of references 5 foreign sources)

Technical specifications:

The subject of the email with the article should be:
Surname_direction_city (Ivanova_economy_Anadyr for review)
Article file name:
Surname_direction_city (Ivanova_economy_Anadyr)

Total volume: 3–5 pages of printed text in A-4 format (up to the bibliography).

Standards: Times New Roman font, font size — 10, line spacing — 1, paragraph indentation — 0.5 cm (this is done so that the author knows exactly how many pages of text he will have in the magazine), all margins — 2 cm, literature – IN THE ORDER OF APPEARANCE IN THE TEXT (preferably at least 20 titles, 10 of them (mandatory) – for the last 1-5 years), Word editor, file type – Word 97-2003 document (mandatory).

Key words (at least 10 words) and abstract (at least 150-200 words) in Russian and English.

Non-breaking spaces between numbers, initials and last name.

Do not confuse dash (-) and hyphen (-).

Formulas must be typed in a Microsoft Word 2010 format file (using the «Insert -> Formula» options), and then saved in Word 97-2003, in which case the formulas become like pictures), the symbol size is 10 (required), the length of the formulas should not exceed 80 mm (mandatory), Latin characters are typed in italics, Greek characters are typed in roman type, CYRILLIC IS NOT ALLOWED).

Drawings made by vector graphics should be placed as one object or grouped. Scanned drawings should be executed with a separate option of at least 300 dpi.

Reference Information:

1. To determine the UDC, you can use the following links:



2. For translation into English or other languages, you can use the following links:

A) (translates middle names and academic degrees)


The article MUST be submitted for proofreading to the relevant philologists

The maximum number of figures in the article is 4, tables — 4, formulas — 4 (exceeding the number should be agreed with the editors)

3. To check the article for anti-plagiarism (checking is required in the Anti-plagiarism university system — all others give incorrect indicators) link (the originality of the text of the article must be at least 75%, the text of the article must contain at least 8000 characters without spaces):

Materials are submitted to the editors (within the allocated quota of articles per journal issue):

• before March 1 (March issue) — if the quota is chosen earlier — the article is transferred to the next issue

• before June 1 (June issue) — if the quota is chosen earlier, the article is transferred to the next issue

• until September 1 (September issue) — if the quota is chosen earlier, the article is transferred to the next issue

• until December 1 (December issue) — if the quota is chosen earlier, the article is transferred to the next issue

Articles must be placed in the RSCI system — the Russian Science Citation Index (elibrary, link: and on the journal website.

Send the article to the address (be sure to indicate the scientific direction): (Azimuth of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration)